Registration Data
Vessel Name:
Antarctic Chieftain
Registration Number:
Reporting Entity:
Other Details
Initially the vessel was launched under the name Isabel in May 2002 under the flag of Bolivia (La Paz) and was noted as being one of the Alphabet fleet (I) run by Pacific Andes. The vessel was renamed Volna and operated under the Russian Federation flag from late 2002 until 2008 when it was put on the market for sale. It was subsequently purchased by the current owner and re-flagged to New Zealand in early 2008, and substantially rebuilt to lower its environmental footprint. The vessel has since routinely reflagged from New Zealand to Australia at the conclusion of its operations in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries, and prior to its operation in Australian EEZ fisheries. It is necessary for the vessel to be flagged to Australia to operate in Australia’s toothfish fisheries around Heard Island and MacDonald Island and Macquarie pursuant to the Australian Fisheries Management Act 1991, Section 4, definition of ‘Australian boat’. The vessel reverts to New Zealand flag at the conclusion of its operations in Australian fisheries, and before entering CCAMLR exploratory fisheries. The beneficial ownership of the vessel has remained unchanged since 2008.
Antarctic Longline Limited is a company that is 50% owned by New Zealand Longline Limited (which is 50% owned by Sealord Group Limited and 50% owned by Talley’s Group Limited) and 50% owned by Antarctic Longline Australia Pty Limited
Physical Characteristics
Carrying Capacity:
Fish Hold Capacity:
Ice Classification:
DNV +1A1 Ice – 1C
External Markings:
Vessel marked with name and international radio call sign. Blue hull white super structure Nelson, New Zealand
Vessel Communication
Communication Details
Inmarsat B:
Voice 00872 3512 00032
Fax 00872 3512 00033
Data 00872 3512 00034
Inmarsat C:
Phone — 00 8816 7770 0135 Voice 1
00 8816 3182 9411 Voice 2
VMS Details
The vessel is fitted with a type approved Automatic Location Communicator (ALC), approved under the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993. To be a type approved ALC, the ALC must meet Government standards that include requirements to ensure accuracy in the data reported and prevent tampering. The satellite monitoring device is located in a sealed unit, inspected by a Ministry for Primary Industries. Fisheries Officer prior to departure, and protected with a mechanism to indicate if the unit has been accessed or tampered with.