Registration Data
Registration Number:
Port of Registration:
Nelson, NZNSN, New Zealand
Reporting Entity:
Новая Зеландия
Other Details
Freezing rate capacity
2 x blast freezers. Can freeze 15 - 20 tonne of toothfish trunks per 24 hour period
Current fishing licence
Permit number: AMLR 19/03/Janas/ZMTW
Authorised for bottom fishing
Physical Characteristics
Carrying Capacity:
Fish Hold Capacity:
Ice Classification:
DNV +1A1 Ice – 1C
External Markings:
Vessel marked with name and international radio call sign. Red hull and white super structure.
Vessel Communication
Communication Details
Std C: 451200432
Iridium: Ph 00 881 621 463 113
Ph 00 870 773 202 957
VMS Details
The vessel is fitted with a type approved Automatic Location Communicator (ALC), approved under the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993. To be a type approved ALC, the ALC must meet Government standards that include requirements to ensure accuracy in the data reported and prevent tampering. The satellite monitoring device is located in a sealed unit, inspected by a Ministry for Primary Industries Fisheries Officer prior to departure, and protected with a mechanism to indicate if the unit has been accessed or tampered with.